From Dr. Bhatia:

What a crazy few months!! After much hard work, we have finally moved and are settling into our new home. I am hoping that all of you will find the space as warm and comforting as I do. Our new home also gives us the chance to expand services and create programs for our patients. We know that the medical visit does not end the journey to optimal health. Support, education and camaraderie are keys to lasting health and wellness. We are working to offer these in the months to come so stay tuned for more information. I am thankful for my patients, colleagues and staff who continue with our mission to create a different definition of health care. We have not been without our own challenges but it is wonderful to see my once tiny practice evolve into one that needs protocols and systems. I can guarantee that as these develop, we will keep our patients informed. Again, thanks to all of you for turning what I thought was a fleeting vision into a vibrant-reality. I appreciate each of you and thank you for your support. Click here to view detail information about our Grand-Opening events.
Dr. Bhatia
September Health Tips
Back to school, Back to the Doctor? As much as we love to see our patients, our goal is for everyone, including our children to stay healthy. Prevent Back to School viruses with these simple tips:
1. Sleep- make sure your family is getting plenty of sleep. Sleep is the foundation of the immune system.
Sleep Chart
* toddlers 12 hrs
* 4yrs- 12 yrs 10 hrs
* 13-17yrs 9 hrs
* 18- adult 8
2. Hand washing:
Washing hands is the best preventive medicine. Hand sanitizer is great but actual hand washing is the best way to prevent spread of germs.
3. Eat in- There are no guarantees in restaurants- eating in is the best way to lower your germ load. Minimize restaurant eating to 2 meals per week.
4. Juicing:
Juicing helps support the immune system by providing megadoses of antioxidants. Pick your favorite fruits and vegetables and juice 2-3 times per week. The darker the color, the higher the antioxidant load.
5. Find Your 5:
Find the 5 supplements that will help your immune system this season. While there is often overlap, supplements should be individually determined. We are happy to help
you “Find Your 5!”