Integrative Pediatrics’ Signs + Symptoms of Anxiety in Children

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Integrative pediatrics has seen a huge rise in anxiety and anxiety-related disorders in both young children and adolescents. Although your child’s schedule can sometimes seem to rival that of the busiest CEO, is it really their environment to blame for the uptick in anxious feelings? Or is there a deeper root cause?

Kids with anxiety may not present the same symptoms as adults, which makes genuine anxiety disorders sometimes difficult to spot in young children.

Holistic Pediatricians: Anxiety Can Be Difficult to Identify in Young Kids

Many parents see that worry and anxiety are growing increasingly more prevalent in their kids’ lives. For many children, this is definitely the case. Kids today learn to navigate very busy and demanding activities from a young age. This might be one contributor to the steady increase in diagnosable anxiety disorders doctors have identified in adolescents. Although, it doesn’t tell the whole story.

It’s important to keep in mind that mild anxious feelings are a very normal part of childhood development. The trouble is when children become worried all the time, when their anxiety seems over-the-top for the situation at hand, or when it interferes with their overall wellbeing.

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Symptoms of Anxiety in Children

A little more than 7% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 have a diagnosable anxiety disorder, according to the NIH (1). Most of the time, an anxiety disorder refers to generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD. Yet, there are other types of anxiety disorders which may present differently–we’ll discuss those in a moment.

How do signs and symptoms of anxiety appear in children? Some of the symptoms are similar in adults, but several may be more difficult to identify.

At home, symptoms of anxiety disorders might look like:

  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Stomach aches
  • Change in appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Fear of being alone
  • Anger or irritability
  • Nightmares
  • Being very self-critical
  • OCD behaviors (obsessive grooming practices, “checking” things repeatedly)
  • Avoiding social contact or being active with others
  • Frequent urination (or bedwetting)

In school, common symptoms of anxiety disorders may include:

  • Refusing to go to school or having a hard time at school drop-offs
  • Difficulty participating in class
  • Social withdrawal
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Disruptive behavior, or getting in trouble at school
  • Difficulty sitting still
  • Not turning in homework

How often symptoms occur and when they occur can change depending on the nature of your child’s anxiety. Some feelings may be triggered by specific events, situations, or settings. Others may come on seemingly for no reason with no discernable trigger at the time.

Different types of anxiety are triggered by different actions, and may look differently for each child.

Types of Anxiety in Children

Like adults, children can also experience a range of anxiety disorders, which include things like social anxiety, OCD behaviors, and separation anxiety. Some signs of anxiety are easier to spot, but other anxiety disorders can be a little harder to detect.

Separation Anxiety:

  • A fear of being separated from parents or caregivers;
  • Common in young children, but usually begins to subside once a child is around 3 or 4

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • A disproportionate worry or fear about situations, objects, or events that last for six months or more (2);
  • May also have physical manifestation of symptoms, such as headaches or stomach aches, and muscle pains

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Either intrusive thoughts (obsessions) about certain things and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions)
  • Actions might include excessive grooming rituals, checking things over and over, or repeating words or phrases.

Panic Attacks

  • Panic disorder is less common in young children, but it does become more common as kids reach adolescence (3).

Selective Mutism

  • Of all the anxiety disorders in children, selective mutism is the least understood and often most overlooked.
  • Difficulty speaking in social situations like at school or church, while may be an avid speaker at home or with close family (4).

Social Anxiety Disorder

  • This causes children to fear social and/or situations where they feel like they must perform.
  • Some studies suggest social anxiety disorder may actually progress to selective mutism.

If you notice several of the above, speak with your child’s doctor about screening options for mental health and/or cognitive testing. Many anxiety symptoms can mimic underlying conditions like thyroid problems, ADHD, or others.

Related: 10 Strategies to Address ADHD (without Medication)

The Integrative Approach: Anxiety is a Symptom with a Root Cause

In integrative pediatrics, we seek to uncover the root cause of the symptoms at hand, while offering relief and tools to manage anxious feelings in daily life.

Inflammation in the gut can negatively impact the brain and the production of important neurotransmitters. Gut health is a primary driver for mental health. This includes complications from underlying infections like SIBO, parasites, yeast overgrowth, and H. pylori, as well as food sensitivities and leaky gut.

With any mental health concern, integrative pediatrics also focuses on nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc, which all have a direct impact on mood and are commonly missing in many modern diets (5).

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Integrative Pediatrics Can Help Get to the Bottom of Anxiety in Your Child

Expert Advice from an Integrative Medicine Team

Your CentreSpringMD doctor gets to know your child by evaluating medical history, recommending diagnostic tools or tests, and by developing a treatment plan tailored to address both your child’s symptoms, and their holistic wellbeing as a whole.

In-Depth Testing and Diagnostics

Comprehensive lab work might include blood tests, nutrient deficiency assessment, and gut function analysis to give your integrative medicine team more insight into your child’s individual situation.

Treating Anxiety and Other Mood Disorders with Integrative Pediatric Health Care

Your integrative team will provide your child with a personalized plan, including recommendations for nutrition, lifestyle changes, supplements, and other therapies.

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Symptoms of anxiety and other mood disorders often present differently in children than adults. Learning how to recognize signs of anxiety in your child is the first step to giving them the support they need.

Integrative medicine gives you the tools to address the root causes of anxiety symptoms, whether they stem from behavioral habits, gut dysfunction, nutrient deficiencies, or another underlying cause. Work with a qualified integrative practitioner to get to the bottom of your child’s anxious feelings so he or she can develop into a purposeful, happy adult.





anxiety, OCD, pediatrics

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